One of the main prehistoric sources of obsidian is present in central Anatolia in the Middle East, the most important sites were Acigol and the Göllü Dağ volcano. In ancient times the sources in the Aegean were Melos and Gyali. In the Mediterranean, we can only find four deposits Palmarola, Monte Acri, Pantelleria, Lipari. The snowy obsidian can present in those fields that have experienced rhyolitic, such as in Chile eruptions, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Peru, Kenya, Mexico, Scotland, United States, Guatemala, Iceland, Japan, New Guinea, El Salvador, among other nations with the presence of volcanoes. However, this stone will help you correct those negative situations and allow you to get rid of them. Having this stone will help us immerse ourselves in a state of meditation that will cooperate with the discovery of our fears, frustrations, and trauma. Snowy obsidian helps light up the corners of some areas we don’t want to see and brings out those things we hide from ourselves. Its name comes from the Latin “lapis obvious,” which refers to the volcanic stone found by a Roman explorer named “Obsius” in Ethiopia during the 1st century AD.Įsoteric meaning: this stone knows as the “mirror of truth” stone since using this stone will help delve into the subconscious and in some areas that are feared and that you knew little about. Currently, this stone uses in jewelry, ornamentation, and for making cutting blades, such as the scalpel. In Mesoamerican culture, this stone was polished to create mirrors, as they have a reflective shine. It also uses as an amulet and a talisman to ward off negative energies. Previously, snow-covered obsidian was a highly valued rock, since thanks to its fracture, elements with a sharp shape and cutting tools such as knives or scalpels could make.

Therefore, it is considered a mineraloid. It is because its chemical structure is not well defined.
Its composition is very similar to that of granite and rhyolite.

When this stone begins to solidify, small inclusions of feldspar begin to form inside it, which is the component that gives snowy obsidian the appearance of white inlays.This stone is not formed like a crystal but visualizes in the form of a solid and amorphous mass made up of water, various minerals, and gases. This stone forms by the rapid cooling of the lava rich in silicic acid.We will provide snowflake obsidian healing properties. It is usually highly appreciated and acquired by glass enthusiasts due to its striking and distinctive appearance. However, this is a variation of obsidians, which results from the crystallization of volcanic matter.
The obsidian snowfall is a very striking stone, and many people have considered it artificial because of its appearance.